Tuesday, Sep 19, 2023 06:45 [IST]
Last Update: Tuesday, Sep 19, 2023 01:11 [IST]
GANGTOK, (IPR): A State-level function to mark the 12th anniversary of the devastating ‘2011 earthquake in Sikkim’ was held at Chintan Bhawan in Gangtok, today.
The daylong programme was organised by the Sikkim State Disaster Management Authority (SSDMA) under the theme ‘Strengthening Disaster Risk Governance to Manage Disaster Risk’.
Land Revenue and Disaster Management minister Kunga Nima Lepcha graced the programme as the chief guest.
The main objective of the programme was to take various measures to achieve an early warning system and build resilient infrastructures in the face of natural disasters in Sikkim.
Minister Kunga Nima Lepcha, in his address, urged all to stay alert and awake as disasters are inherently sudden and unpredictable. He also assured installation of walling systems that shall give a clear idea on prediction of rainfall. He further spoke about the G20 summit that recently took place in Delhi which covered topics like global warming and sustainable development.
He acknowledged and expressed deep appreciation for the visionary leadership of Chief Minister Prem Singh Tamang and his environmental initiatives such as the ‘Mero Rukh, Mero Santati’ as it shall play a pivotal role in preventing global warming.
The programme had the presence of vice chairman, SSDMA, V.K. Sharma, president National Society for Earthquake Technology - Nepal (NSET), Amod Mani Dixit, co- founder, Sustainable Environment and Ecological Development Society (SEEDS), Anshu Sharma, member secretary, National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) and officials from different line departments.
The technical session of the day covered various thematic topics and featured a series of presentations by Urban Development department, Health department, Education department, Geological Survey of India, Fire department and by DCs and ADCs, and SDMs from different districts.
Vice Chairman, SSDMA, V.K. Sharma, also the moderator for the session, in his address, spoke about the distinct roles and responsibilities of various departments in ensuring effective response for the safety of people of the State.
The session was also addressed by Anshu Sharma from SEEDS wherein he commemorated the event as a ‘Landmark Day’ that serves as a reminder for their way to move forward to create a safer and more resilient State that can withstand the challenges posed by natural disasters.
A panel discussion on ‘Early Warning Early Action- Last Mile Dissemination, Use of Technology’ was also held during the course of the session.
Subsequently, the afternoon session began with the guests and dignitaries visiting the stalls put up by the NDRF, Aapda Mitra, Fire Emergency Service, and SDRF at the premises of Chintan Bhawan.
The second half of the technical session was taken forward by president, NSET, Amod Mani Dixit, who highlighted about the Mw7.8 Gorkha Earthquake 2015, and 'Successes and Failures of Risk Management'.
This was followed by a brief session on the importance of having weather stations in schools in the near future which was delivered by co-founder, SEEDS, Anshu Sharma.
On the occasion, the chief guest also handed over a weather station to Modern SSS, Gangtok.
A quiz competition was also conducted concurrently with the technical session at the conference hall of Chintan Bhawan. Modern Senior Secondary School, Gangtok bagged the first position with Tikalal Niroula Government SSS, Central Pendam, Pakyong securing the 1st runner up position and Chumbung Secondary School, Soreng as the 2nd runner up.
The vote of thanks was proposed by special secretary-cum-director LR&DMD/SSDMA, Prabhakar Rai.