Sunday, Jul 14, 2024 08:45 [IST]

Last Update: Sunday, Jul 14, 2024 03:17 [IST]

Not Before You


Author: Lata Gwalani

Publisher: ? Vishwakarma Publication

Lata Gwalani’s Not Before You is the story of Jaya and her special-needs child, Nikhil, who suffers from a rare disease that prevents him from sitting, standing, or speaking. It is also about the sacrifices that Jaya and Suraj (Jaya's husband) have to make while taking care of Nikhil and the repercussions on their relationships.

Considering the book's theme, I wondered how the story would be able to maintain reader intrigue till the end, but Ms. Gwalani does a wonderful job at that. I loved how the story starts with the perspectives of Jaya, Suraj, and Divya (Jaya's daughter) in the present and then moves to the past to develop their backstories.

I feel that the narration of the past is the strongest part of the book. It enables Ms. Gwalani to develop the characters in detail. The relationship between Jaya, a media person, and Suresh, a yoga guru, is unique, and the nuances in the bond are excellently portrayed. The challenges the couple faced at the beginning of their married life are interesting, and I found myself invested in the story.

The shock of the parents and their families when Nikhil is diagnosed with the illness and how they cope with that is real and heartbreaking. And their relief when their second child is declared normal is so well-written that it brought tears to my eyes. The pacing is also excellent throughout, and I never felt bored.

The characters are well-developed; they possess a fair share of flaws, yet they are relatable. Jaya and Suraj, in particular, are brilliantly written and undergo significant development throughout the book. I also felt for Divya and her feelings of abandonment. The secondary characters of Jaya's mother and Mary are also well-written and play significant roles in the story.

The language, as I expected, is perfect—simple and lucid, with a sprinkling of delectable wordplay and luscious metaphors and similes. Ms. Gwalani never disappoints when it comes to delivering near-flawless prose.

However, during the second half, I felt that a couple of narrative decisions slightly hampered the overall impact of the book. One, instead of using the perspective of Death to convey emotions, if it had been done organically, the emotions would have probably felt more genuine and resonated even more strongly with the readers. Two, the mother-daughter relationship needed a proper closure. Ms. Gwalani almost provided that in one scene but chose not to elaborate. I understand the reason behind that—it was to make the story more realistic—but I feel it would have been better if she had elaborated on it.

However, the ending is exceptional. I loved the twist towards the end, which completes the arc of Suraj beautifully, giving him purpose. And Ms. Gwalani ties all loose ends well. It is a satisfying ending.

Overall, Not Before You is a brilliantly written book about an important, sensitive topic. I have to salute the protagonist, Jaya; she is such a strong woman. As Ms. Gwalani mentions in the book—parents of special-needs children like Nikhil are superheroes. It was an illuminating experience to read the book and learn about the challenges parents like Jaya face in their lives.

I would highly recommend this important book to all readers. Although 'Prisoners of Secrets' is still her best work, 'Not Before You' comes a close second.



Sikkim at a Glance

  • Area: 7096 Sq Kms
  • Capital: Gangtok
  • Altitude: 5,840 ft
  • Population: 6.10 Lakhs
  • Topography: Hilly terrain elevation from 600 to over 28,509 ft above sea level
  • Climate:
  • Summer: Min- 13°C - Max 21°C
  • Winter: Min- 0.48°C - Max 13°C
  • Rainfall: 325 cms per annum
  • Language Spoken: Nepali, Bhutia, Lepcha, Tibetan, English, Hindi