Friday, Jul 26, 2024 09:00 [IST]

Last Update: Friday, Jul 26, 2024 03:20 [IST]

Untypically RC


Ram Chandra Poudyal, popularly known as RC Poudyal, the bearded man was known by all. Older Sikkimese may have firsthand knowledge of his style of politics, his issues and his ways but the younger lot like me do not know him well. We are unaware of the person RC was. A few interviews of him post the social media arrival, his eccentric ways is all that we have heard. His description here thus is what RC was to me, this is my version of the untypical RC.

My first memory of him was that of a man on foot. A bearded man walking. My dad sometimes used to offer him lift but he always smiled and declined. He regularly used to walk from Chota Singtam to Ranipool and back for his daily quota of newspapers. My dad had great reverence for the bearded man and Shri Poudyal treated him like a child, hands on my father's head whenever they met. I remember them meeting. My father left 6 years ago and the State is currently mourning the demise of RC Poudyal.

Who would walk 15 kms everyday for mere newspapers? Taxis in plenty and he walked. So untypical.

For the last 5-6 years, I have seen him walking almost everyday. His trademarks continued to be the white beard, glowing face, clean - very clean shorts and tees during Summers and kurta pyjama coupled with a sweater or a jacket during colder days, a walking stick or an umbrella. With age catching up his daily distance would have shortened but he walked, walked everyday.


By now I knew him better, not personally though. Having read about him, having discussed him at places with people, my reverence and respect for him had increased manifold, also memories of him treating my late father like his kid always made me feel good.

A man who read Puranas, Vedas, holy scriptures and  astrology. He knew them by heart. A man who knew so much, a man who thought differently. A man who never compromised or shied from his honest opinion. A Sikkimese leader who was clear, crystal clear- so untypical.


Though I would cross him every day in the evenings while on my drive back home, I never could gather the courage to stop and talk to him. A namaste whenever our eyes met, and I would drive off. What would I talk to a person who knew so much, who sees the world and life way differently than men like me with narrow and selfish vision of everything? Would there even be grounds for a decent conversation? I don't think so.


RC Poudyal founded the "Jhulkay Ghaam", opposed Kazi over the design of democratic Sikkim. His party remained stuck to the ideology and didn't compromise, his friends who helped him found the outfit later migrated and made handsome careers but he remained stuck.

He unapologetically advocated the rights of the farmers, of the poor. He advocated for rights of the Sikkimese Nepalese yet he wanted Sikkim to have a Prime Minister and Chogyal to continue as the titular head. He was clear in his demands. He never relented, never compromised.


The most loved and established Nepali leader of his time, he would have made a fortune with a long political career  had he compromised on the kind of Sikkim he wanted. His vision of the political and social structure of Sikkim then did not ally with that of the forces in power. He was left out but still clear and unmoved. So untypical.

Recent articles by Shri Jigmee N Kazi have caught our attention. His narration only strengthens the true character of RC Poudyal.  A man who lived and died on his own terms. An erratic, eccentric and a wise  Sikkimese who never budged. That was RC Poudyal.

Sikkim, where jingoism and being oblivious fanatic has been the norm, souls like RC Poudyal are a rarity. Sikkim needs more men and women like him.

In his passing away, we have lost a stalwart. Sikkim shall miss him.

I shall miss the sight of the white bearded man walking.

May he find Moksha. Om Shanti.

(Deepak Tewari is a social commentator. Email:

Sikkim at a Glance

  • Area: 7096 Sq Kms
  • Capital: Gangtok
  • Altitude: 5,840 ft
  • Population: 6.10 Lakhs
  • Topography: Hilly terrain elevation from 600 to over 28,509 ft above sea level
  • Climate:
  • Summer: Min- 13°C - Max 21°C
  • Winter: Min- 0.48°C - Max 13°C
  • Rainfall: 325 cms per annum
  • Language Spoken: Nepali, Bhutia, Lepcha, Tibetan, English, Hindi