Wednesday, Aug 12, 2020 11:45 [IST]
Last Update: Wednesday, Aug 12, 2020 06:19 [IST]
SE Report
GANGTOK: SDF functionary and 2019 Lok Sabha election candidate D.B. Katwal has also come forth in support of students of Sikkim State University (SSU) who are on an online campaign for adequate infrastructures and teaching departments and faculties in the university.
Terming Sikkim’s own State university as the need of hour, Katwal in a statement today said the State needs good infrastructure for better education to the children. “Our own newly created university should be given a lot of emphasis for the better education in our State for which the government needs to allocate more funds for the infrastructural development of SSU,” said Katwal calling on the State government to take care of the university with strong dedication and determination.
Katwal expressed that the government should focus and give attention towards all aspects as it is matter of education, which is directly related to future of the State.