Saturday, Feb 22, 2025 00:00 [IST]
Last Update: Friday, Feb 21, 2025 18:22 [IST]
Petition for Proper Scientific
Re-examination and Democratic Decision-making regarding the Fate of the Teesta-3 HEP in Sikkim.
Submitted to:
Shri Bhupender Yadav
Honorable Minister of
Environment, Forest &
Climate Change
Govt. of India
Shri P.S. Golay Tamang
Honorable Chief Minister
Government of Sikkim
Gangtok, Sikkim
The Teesta is a unique glacier-fed river that flows
through the ancient, spiritually significant and deeply religious landscapes of
Sikkim. The cascade of river dams consecutively constructed along the Teesta
basin had fuelled fear and foreboding for the people of Sikkim. In Dzongu, the
Lepchas had opposed the desecration of their sacred land for many years. For
decades, scientists had questioned the wisdom of siting major river-valley
hydroelectric projects near glacial lakes in the Himalayan region. They warned
that glacial flooding someday could result in catastrophic water release,
triggering a Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) with devastating consequences
even for regions located hundreds of kilometres downstream.
South Lhonak lake which feeds the Teesta is among the
largest, fastest-expanding, and hence most hazardous lakes in Sikkim. Scientists
long before the glacial-catastrophe of 3rd October 2023 had warned about
the incalculable harm that would be done to the fragile ecosystem, and to the unique cultural fabric that had welded
society together in this protected and highly vulnerable Himalayan region.
 Already reeling
from the combined impact of climate change and rapid melting of glaciers, the
occurrence of another GLOF event in the region is inevitable. Then ultimately,
as the pattern of precipitation changes, our mountain rivers will dry up,
severely impacting agriculture. habitation and drinking-water accessibility,
and threatening the long-term survival of human beings, other living species, and
the natural world.
When on 3rd October 2023, South Lhonak lake in
Sikkim burst its banks because of the collapse, which toppled frozen lateral
moraine measuring 14.7 million cu. m., into the water, thus raised a
tsunami-like wave measuring 20 metres in height. The predicted multi-hazard
catastrophe was triggered as about 50 million cu. m. of water drained out from
the breach. The result was unprecedented and catastrophic devastation, as an
estimated 270 million cu. m. of sediment flowed out, resulting in massive
infrastructure destruction including hydropower installations along the Teesta
River. Innumerable lives were lost, and many more persons went missing. State
and private properties were damaged. The flood washed away the 1200 MW Teesta
III Chungthang Dam located 55 km downstream of the lake, and damaged several
other hydropower dams further down on the Teesta River
the warnings we received from the 2023 experience, now in January 2025, the
Union Environment Ministry’s Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC) on River Valley
Projects has given its approval to resume construction of the 1200 MW Teesta
III hydroelectric project.
note, with enormous concern, that,
- The EAC has given approval without any fresh
environment impact assessments, public hearings, and fresh appraisals.
- The EAC has ignored and not resolved the issues raised
about this project at the earlier meetings. With this decision being made in
such an unscientific and undemocratic manner, we are likely to see the
catastrophe repeated all over again, possibly with even greater devastation
than hitherto seen. In an already challenged environment, this has grave
implications for our mountains, our rivers and our people, and also for those
living in areas lying far beyond.
year, 2025, has been declared the International Year of Glaciers’ Preservation
by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in collaboration with UNESCO.
The effort must be focused on preserving our glaciers and their Holarctic
environment in the midst of the fast-advancing effects of global warming and
climate change.
demand an immediate halt of the Chungthang Dam Project, along with all
activities which further endanger our fragile environment, threatening lives
and property, with brazen disregard for scientific prudence and democratic
decision-making processes, including the free and prior informed consent of the
people of Sikkim.
Prava Rai
Dumigaon Namchi
South Sikkim
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