Tuesday, Mar 03, 2020 13:00 [IST]
Last Update: Tuesday, Mar 03, 2020 07:24 [IST]
GANGTOK (IPR): Chief Minister Prem Singh Tamang (Golay) today inaugurated the Tertiary Cancer Care Centre under the Department of Radiation Oncology at New STNM Hospital, Sochaygang here. The function was hosted by Health minister Dr. M.K. Sharma and Buildings & Housing minister Sanjit Kharel.
After inaugurating the facility, the Chief Minister congratulated the health fraternity in the State and STNM hospital in particular for the much-needed infrastructure. He said that with the establishment of this Tertiary Cancer Care Centre, people of Sikkim would not have to travel outside the State to seek cancer related treatment. He however stated that there should be adequate awareness at every level of the society on health-seeking behaviour, which would rule out occurrence of such life-threatening ailments. He stressed on the need to involve students and the youth to raise awareness among the masses.
The Chief Minister stated that the government has laid the highest priority on the health sector and would facilitate quality health care system at every level. He however said that the government has its limitations, and it is the people who have to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Referring to frequent report on social media about lack of adequate management in the hospital, the Chief Minister announced that the government will soon constitute a separate management team headed by an efficient officer of the State government, so that issues such as hygiene and public grievances, safety and security, and other issues can be addressed without disturbing the routine of doctors.
The Chief Minister informed that a separate police outpost has been set up at the premises of the hospital to ensure the safety of the hospital staff and property. He suggested that an emergency OPD can be set up at the old STNM hospital to cater to out patients, which he said would reduce the load on the new hospital.
Health minister Dr. M.K. Sharma, in his address, said that the department is doing its best to ensure improvement in the primary health care services to avoid load on tertiary care centres. He reiterated the commitment of the government to offer the best of medical facilities to the people of Sikkim.
Earlier, Health principal secretary K. Shrinivasulu, in his welcome address, expressed the department’s gratitude to the government and the Chief Minister for inaugurating this much needed facility, and for laying great emphasis on the health sector in the State. He said that the Tertiary Care Centre will be a huge boon to people as they would not have to take referrals to hospitals outside the State, which will improve their economic health as well.
Dr. Ashish Rai, HOD, Oncology Department, STNM hospital, made a power point presentation and explained how the cancer care centre ran from an inadequate facility in the old STNM Hospital, and has now evolved into a state-of-the-art facility inaugurated today. He said that the newly inaugurated centre is the best in the north eastern region and is comparable to the best centres in big cities. He also shared the statistics of cancer prevalence in the State and details of the number of people seeking treatment.