Friday, Sep 13, 2024 09:45 [IST]

Last Update: Friday, Sep 13, 2024 04:03 [IST]



(It is Hereditary or Environment, Natural or Nurtural)


We are in an era of many truths specially in educational sector. John Amas Comenius, considered as ‘Father of Education’ of 16 century a Czeh educational reformer, remembered mainly for his innovations and method of teaching. Again definition of education by Indian philosopher Dr. Sarbapalli Radhakishan, often called ‘Father of modern Indian Education’. To him education to be complete must be human, it must include not only training of intellect, but refinement of heart & discipline of spirit. To Swami Vivekananda – character formation and strength of mind. To Mahatma Gandhi – it is development of body, mind and soul.

There are hundreds of definitions of education but we must not ignore that it has the growing quality of living organism. We should also not forget that it is constantly changing and adopting itself to the new demands and circumstances. However the education does not land itself to definition only. It bears a different meaning in different countries. Indeed comparative education is a must valuable study from a practical standpoint. The world wide organization  like UNESCO (United Nations Education Scientific & Cultural organization)  does good work by showing how education  is interpreted in different Countries as per need of hours. It is astonishing but true, we are lo embrace educational diversity.

Education starts from mother’s bomb. It starts learning how to move & Stretch his baby. Thinkers have been  Stuck by the astonishing  fact that a ‘being’ Which at first not exist should end a Being a man or a Woman,, able to think & to have ideas of its own. How does it happen? How do all organs Come tó be formed, What the eyes, tongue, heart, liver, stomach, whereby we Speak & act. How Chromosomes have greater role to play. The man has 48 Chromosomes. The Chromosomes have always been regarded as depositor through which heredity features are transmitted to a new baby - boy or girl. This is Miracle of Creation of Almighty.

Here we are not Supposed to discuss the miracle but to how to impart education to new born. Educationists avowed aims now to psychosis education & instruction but the Crucial point is here how fare the impacts of heredity & environment play on newborns.

Heredity-- It is a word used to Cover a number of familiar facts which may be Summed up in the proposition that ‘Like begets Like' it is a generalization from experience to say that Children receive mental & physical traits from their parents to a great extend. Heredity is also called the inheritance or biological inheritance is the passing of traits from parents to their offspring. The study of heredity in biology is genetics. For example if you are a beloved Son of your father who is very fond of reading books, magazine, newspapers & you Carry such  penchant for reading as well. The process is transferred from one generation to next generation. These traits are physical & behavioral traits. The physical traits are eye, nose, ear, blood type, and height & body structure. Professor Mae Bride said that term hereditary is a misleading metaphor drawn from human laws of Succession in property. But fact  remains  that  we don't receive bodies from parents but only a germ Which is Some mysterious process  grows into a human being, Further Medougall  who is known as the father of child  psychologist Said that when a baby is born with 14 instincts God gifted. These are escape, Combat, Repulsion, Parental, Appeal, Mating, Curiosity , Submission, Self assertion, Gregarious, Food Seeking, Acquisitor Construction & Laughter. Here heredity has no part to play. It is also a Conditioned reflex.

 Now the question is whether education is based on heredity or an environment. Modern educational psychologists are of opinion that the environment plays vital role  in forming Child’s behavior and  attitude. Many Scholarly articles are on importance of environment & not heredity. An Indian baby taken to England & placed in Care of an Englishmen, he will  speak English & not  Hindi but in gesture & posture  he is an Englishman.

 Many of the documented Cases of Children being raised by animals appear to be hoaxes or Case of mentally & physically  handicapped. Another illustration of wild boy of Averson in French.  A Child was spotted roaming naked in  France Country Side. He Spoke no languages although he had developed his own  Vocalization to convey anger or joy. All these because of Wild environment.

When I was in  Post Graduate govt. hostel in Titabar (Jorhat) Assam, I observed two boys shared the same biological mother. Both were well mannered  but despite these biological similarity,  one boy had Schooling in Village & and remained as petty agriculturist  in his home town. But another boy having good education in Delhi turned brilliant & Obtained higher administrative post, by virture  of his diligence.

Another glaring example is in record to this effect. Super Star Mr. Mithun Chakravarty Bollyhood movies once picked up a new born girl baby from street garbage, she was given good education and congenial atmosphere. That girl baby is now a prominent actress in the film world.

We used to say that it is the mother who forms the child; it is she who teaches him to walk, talk & so on.  But none of this really done by the mother. It is environment which plays vital growth. What are we Conclude from reports of physiologists who have studied Children from their earliest days, that only proper Care & help a baby attains mental balance & more energetic Character, where heredity does not play major role we are to remember also that children have  Absorbent mind as illustrated by Maria Montessori prominent educationist and child physiologist. A child heart is ‘Tabula Rasa’ they absorb whatever they see or hear. Hence they need good environment for their growth & not heredity concept only.

(The writer is a former Principal of Teachers’ Training Institute, Govt. of Sikkim, former Principal of Sr. Higher Sec. School, Pelling, former Executive Member of Confederation of Industries of Sikkim and Executive Member of Usha Organic Cooperative Manufacturing Unit)

Sikkim at a Glance

  • Area: 7096 Sq Kms
  • Capital: Gangtok
  • Altitude: 5,840 ft
  • Population: 6.10 Lakhs
  • Topography: Hilly terrain elevation from 600 to over 28,509 ft above sea level
  • Climate:
  • Summer: Min- 13°C - Max 21°C
  • Winter: Min- 0.48°C - Max 13°C
  • Rainfall: 325 cms per annum
  • Language Spoken: Nepali, Bhutia, Lepcha, Tibetan, English, Hindi