Sunday, Feb 09, 2025 09:15 [IST]
Last Update: Saturday, Feb 08, 2025 17:09 [IST]
MPT( Neuroscience), PGPHHM
Guillain Barre
Syndrome (GBS) is the most common form of
neuromuscular paralysis. It is an
autoimmune disease in which the body's immune system attacks part of the
peripheral nervous system causing weakness and abnormal sensations in the arms
and legs. Patchy areas of demyelination occur along peripheral nerves,
nerve roots and myelin sheaths as a result of self-destruction, causing
impaired function of nerve. Most of patients
of GBS are found to have had a preceding upper respiratory illness. However,
some of patients with GBS have no identified preceding illness. Infection with cytomegalic virus (CMV) and
Campylobacter jejune has also been implicated in the some form of GBS. We are
seeing that our country is facing surges in Guillain Barresyndrome (GBS) cases
recently so it is our duty to know and make ourselves aware of the GBS.
The onset
of GBS can be quite sudden and unexpected. It needs immediate hospitalization.
It can develop over a few days. Or it may take up to several weeks with the
greatest weakness occurring within the first couple of weeks after symptoms
Symptoms of
Guillain-Barre syndrome may include:
A pins and needles feeling in the
fingers, toes, ankles or wrists.
Weakness in the legs that spreads to
the upper body.
Unsteady walk or not being able to
Trouble with facial movements,
including speaking, chewing or swallowing.
Double vision or inability to move
the eyes.
Severe pain that may feel achy,
shooting or cramp like and may be worse.
Trouble with bladder control or bowel
Rapid heart rate. Early fatigue.
Sensory impairments
· Trouble breathing etc.
Typesof GBS
inflammatory demyelinating Polyneuropathy (AIDP).
Fisher syndrome (MFS).
· Acute motor axonal neuropathy (AMAN) and acute motor-sensory axonal neuropathy (AMSAN) .
Physiotherapy in Guillain-Barre syndrome
Patient with suspected GBS should be admitted at hospital as early as possible. Multidisciplinary medical team starts the management of GBS with their respective approach. Physiotherapy, a part of multidisciplinary team in management of GBS aims to accelerate the recoveryand lessen the severity of the condition. Once the patient gets admitted to hospital Physiotherapy should be started as soon as possible along with other medical management. Physiotherapy should continue until patients have reached the maximum potential.
Different type of physiotherapeutic
intervention helps GBS patients by improving -
Muscle strength,Mobility,
Balance,Education , fitness and energy levels, posture,reducing
secondary complications such as muscle
contractures and chest infections, early facilitation to activities of normal
life. Physiotherapy also plays the major role in ICU by promoting early
mobility, Neuro muscular facilitation, Respiratory muscle training and improving
lung function and clearance. It also promotes early weaning of patient from
mechanical ventilator and early discharge from hospital.
After discharge from the
hospital physiotherapy should be continued under the supervision of Neuro-physiotherapist
which can be done on the Physiotherapy centres or at the home. Nowadays the
emerging facility of Tele-rehab can also be obtained for the patient of remote