Saturday, Sep 14, 2024 09:30 [IST]

Last Update: Saturday, Sep 14, 2024 03:55 [IST]


P. C. PRADHAN Founder Member, SFA - 1980

I am no expert of Soccer nor for that matter of any other game. However I propose to deal with a subject that is agitating the minds of sports lovers all over the country. I crave the indulgence of my readers to be excused if I tread on many toes. Well before I express my views, I apologies to those 'Individuals', microscopic no doubt they are number, who are serving sports organisations in India with honesty, integrity and dedication. My difficulty is that for years on, the scalawags have been outnumbering the few mentioned above and I am referring to sports organisations in generic term.

In not very recent past rather to be precise only in 1979, a medical check-up made during National Football Championship revealed that at 50% of our footballers were fat by sports standard. It was further found that the stamina of an Indian footballer does not even match that of a Swedish sportswoman. Oxygen-inhaling capacity of a Swedish girl in the sports arena is higher than that of our footballers. These data collated together conclusively prove that the judged by European standards our footballers are physically inferior. How to get over the lacunae? Will it be through less and less practice or through proper diet, practice and planned schedule for competitive games?

In India, there are too many competitions and championships - Inter School, Subrata Cup, Official Championships, Police Meet and so on and so consider superior by their own standards. The National Championships have to please other to draw up their fixture and not the other way round, what a nonsense and wastage of money and energy! Should not the process be straightened and made meaningful? Will somebody or bodies come forward, stop the nonsense and give the lead?

Our enemies in the sports field are always within and not outside. Who are they? To my mind, it is 'we' the sports lovers, the apathetic lot who fume and fret over the poor performances of our boys and girls on the field, but do precious little to put the matter on an even keel. No wonder, the so-called sports organizers rule the roost. They are closely followed by the authorities in Government, both at the Center and in the States, who Orwellian like keep themselves busy bleating again and again, "Four legs good, two legs bad" like the herds of sheep in "Animal Farm" (by George Orwell). 'Coaching', Training Camps', 'Women's Festival', 'Winter Games', 'Rural Sports and what not. Their hands are always full; no time to stand and ponder; hush-do not disturbs the 'Busy Bee'. Are you not aware, persons in authority deciding the destiny of games and sports, those knows-all, know in their schools and training camps.

"Asses" are being converted into "Horses"? Why one should overlook the hard fact that there is no field to play on in most of our villages and for the same reason the Rural Sports is held in cities and urban areas. Game and sports are now rituals in school and colleges. Competitions held with fanfare in urban areas are more an eyewash than a serious schedule. There is no bed, yet we dream of roses and talk of International competitions-fraud.

"Power corrupts individuals" goes the saying. But methinks, now-a-days individuals, smug with power turn clowns. With all our whimpering, bleating and howling our standard in games and sports have steadily gone down in the recent Asian Youth Soccer held at Dacca.

India was beaten by Bangladesh who came to the soccer since yesterday and hardly had time to settle down. You may agree or not Sir, Activities in games and sports in India, is ill-balanced, devoid of imagination and is wholly without purpose. In more State, they are mere paper transactions.

Truths are always bitter. Would you not agree with me, that your organisations come to life once in a year i.e. when you go to join a competition such as the national or some prestigious ones like Rovers Cup, Durand Cup or I.F.A. Shield? Who composes your team? The trusted and tested? Have you done anything to catch the talent young and groom them? No.

You have no funds; no field; and above all no cooperation either from the Government or from the Institutions or from the people. The interests as are exhibited by all concerned are sweet and short smile of a 'flirt'. No sooner you look up, it has vanished. What do you say? Is not the situation and system against you? What have you done to overcome it? No, you have thought the whole situation hopeless, beyond redemption and have thrown up your hands in utter despair. Have you tried to look who is around to force you to adopt this line of action – the Great Organiser, who has been nursing hobby at the cost of poor Association's Fund? The Association is the jumping board for his foreign tour and what not-ethical or unethical? Truths come out in sometimes in papers and we sometime hear it from distant voices. Stop T.A. & D.A. of officials in sports Arena; the so called Sports-lovers will than vanish?

India do not lack in talents; but it certainly lacks devoted organizers with imagination, honesty and leadership and an equipped organisation to help them handle the situation. Change the system and overhaul the machinery. Allow the games and sports with academic subjects in schools and colleges as is the practice in German Democratic Republic or any other Socialist State. First lay out the ground and then try to build players. Eat not the funds of the Association; nurse your hobby at your own cost; allow every citizen to involve himself in the Organisation; make no close-door cliques; keep not masses away from sports and lastly do not swindle the poor Association. Then only the games and sports are bound to take shape and India will then certainly emerge on world's sports scene as a force to reckon with.


(Views are personal)

Sikkim at a Glance

  • Area: 7096 Sq Kms
  • Capital: Gangtok
  • Altitude: 5,840 ft
  • Population: 6.10 Lakhs
  • Topography: Hilly terrain elevation from 600 to over 28,509 ft above sea level
  • Climate:
  • Summer: Min- 13°C - Max 21°C
  • Winter: Min- 0.48°C - Max 13°C
  • Rainfall: 325 cms per annum
  • Language Spoken: Nepali, Bhutia, Lepcha, Tibetan, English, Hindi