Tuesday, Jun 06, 2023 05:15 [IST]
Last Update: Monday, Jun 05, 2023 23:45 [IST]
SORENG, (IPR): The district-level World Environment Day celebration took place at DAC complex and Gumpa Dara, organized by the DAC Soreng in coordination with the Forest and Environment department, Soreng. The theme of the event was ‘Beat Plastic Pollution’. The programme was attended by DC Soreng Bhim Thatal, ADC Development Gaayas Pega, SDM HQ DR Bista, heads of departments and officials from line departments.
During the event, the Soreng DC and the team from the Forest and Environment department planted Rhododendron Campanulatum, Azalea, and Neel Kamal at the Gumpa Dara premises. This activity is aimed to promote greenery and contribute to the environment.
Earlier, the Soreng DC visited Government Junior High School Singling, which he has personally adopted under the adoption of schools by district officers of Soreng programme. At school, the DC inaugurated an organic tea garden in the presence of zilla member Singling territorial constituency, school staff and students. This initiative is aimed to promote organic farming and environmental awareness among students.
Later, the Soreng DC addressed the officials and emphasized the importance of maintaining the planted trees. He also urged for inter-departmental coordination to ensure effective environmental conservation efforts. Additionally, the Roads department was instructed to remove grass and trees, in consultation with the Forest department, which pose threat to other species or life and properties.
In addition to the event at the DAC, the Block Development Officers (BDOs) of the six Block Administrative Centres (BACs) in Soreng were assigned to observe World Environment Day at their respective BACs. This decentralized approach aimed to involve various local communities and spread awareness about environmental conservation at the grassroots level.
Similarly, the World Environment Day was widely observed by the officials in their respective office premises in Soreng.