Sunday, Feb 16, 2025 09:45 [IST]
Last Update: Saturday, Feb 15, 2025 17:35 [IST]
Future GLOF hazard in the Teesta Valley
SLL remains highly susceptible to future GLOF events, including repeat
triggers from northern lateral moraine failures. Despite the 3 October failure
and associated slope changes, the northern moraine still comprises a large and
rapidly deforming zone. We computed post-event surface velocities using 1635
satellite image pairs between October 2023 and June 2024, revealing that a ~0.5
by 0.3 km region of the collapse scarp is deforming at rates up to 15 m a?1 (fig.
S44). The modified slope geometry following the collapse may cause further
failures, with moraine curvature at the crest now higher than before the 2023
failure. Small-scale mass movements are visible on the failure slope (fig. S45
and methods section “Pre- and post-GLOF dynamics of the lateral moraine”).
Debuttressing due to glacier surface lowering and glacier retreat must be
considered a primary factor for slope destabilization, increasing outward and
downward forces in the frozen moraine. SLL is expected to grow by another ~1 km
in length as the glacier retreats (14, 49). With continued retreat of the
calving front, debuttressing will affect frozen moraine slopes up-glacier (zone
1), which already show slow downslope movement post failure (fig. S44B and
methods section “Pre- and post-GLOF dynamics of the lateral moraine”). Lateral
stress coupling must have induced load removal on the up-glacier part, causing
it to slow down. A GLOF could potentially be triggered by exposure of Zone 1 on
the northern lateral moraine, particularly the eastern flank, due to loss of
lateral support following the 3 October collapse. As well as this slope
debuttressing, steep slopes surrounding the lake are potential avalanche source
zones and thus potential GLOF triggers at moraine-dammed lakes (14, 50). The southern moraine appears
stable. However, continued warming, glacier retreat, and permafrost decay could
initiate instability in the northern moraine. Downwasting of exposed dead ice
on the breached frontal moraine could lower the lake's outlet channel,
increasing outflow during future GLOF events.
The GLOF eroded the riverbanks laterally, weakening them and making them
susceptible to future collapse, particularly near roads and settlements. For
instance, post-GLOF landslide (L17) and slumping below Lachen (see fig. S35)
show widened riverbank scarps encroaching closer to settlements. The Naga
landslide (L43) also showed slumping in the months after the GLOF (fig. S34).
Significant lateral erosion damaged the national highway (NH-10) in multiple
locations (fig. S32), blocking major trade routes and isolating mountain
communities. The ongoing deterioration of roads months after the 3 October GLOF
event, exacerbated by subsequent monsoon floods, further eroded the valley
walls, posing a hazard to infrastructure and disruption to transport (fig.
(Fig. 6. Field evidence of sediment aggradation.(A to F) Photographs taken
along the Teesta River show the aggradation of the sediments transported by the
flood cascade and its impact. Latitude, longitude, and elevation (in m a.s.l)
are at top right; locality name and distance from SLL are at bottom right.
Photo credits: Praful Rao (co-author).
Flood deposits along the Teesta Valley remain exposed to further erosion
and transport, potentially triggering future debris flows (Figs. 5 and 6). Moreover, aggradation has raised the
riverbed by several meters, heightening the risk of early onset of bank-full
conditions during future floods, increasing the
probability of flooding in adjacent floodplains, and exposing populations and
infrastructure to greater risks (fig. S46). This concern extends to future
GLOFs and high discharge, monsoonal flood events. Crucially, even though the
landslide-dammed lake (L6) formed after the GLOF event partially drained, the
landslide deposits still present a continuing hazard, potentially amplifying
the impact of future GLOFsoriginating upstream (figs. S28M and S29). These
eroded sediments are rarely considered in the analysis of GLOF risks.
Summary and perspectives
The multihazard cascade and consequent disaster of 3 October 2023
underscore challenges in GLOF and multihazard assessments that often
underestimate the potential intensity and impacts in mountain regions where the
hazard from the GLOF itself is significantly conditioned, and in this case,
exacerbated, by the downstream geomorphic system (51). The SLL triggering was not remarkable in terms of
rainfall; rather, the situation was significantly exacerbated by the effects of
climate warming on the drivers of GLOF. On 3 and 4 October, the Teesta Valley
experienced heavy rainfall, which saturated the soil and increased the vulnerability
of slopes to failure. This preconditioning effect primed the landscape, leading
to numerous landslides triggered by the GLOF event. These secondary landslides
added to the sediment volume in the floodwaters and contributed to the overall
devastation along the downstream flow paths. Rainfall fueled the flood cascade
downstream. This additional influx of water intensified the volume and velocity
of the floodwaters, leading to more severe impacts on infrastructure,
communities, and agricultural lands in Sikkim, West Bengal, and Bangladesh.
The sheer volume of water (~50 × 106 m3)
released from the lake, together with the sediment (~270 × 106 m3)
entrained along the valley drove the primary impacts that overwhelmed
infrastructure and developmental activities along the Teesta River,
exacerbating the human and economic toll. Despite the Teesta-III hydropower
reservoir contributing 5 × 106 m3 of water
(assuming it was at full capacity), which is 10% relative to the initial SLL
outburst volume, the GLOF's volume and especially its eroded sediment load
dominated downstream impacts. Prevailing GLOFmodeling and assessment approaches
insufficiently account for processes of erosion and sediment transport, as well
as hillslope-channel interactions such as riverbank collapses and landslides
triggered by toe-undercutting as well as the impact of sediment transport on
local bed elevations and hence water levels. The latter is of particular
importance in large river basins because water waves move faster than sediment
waves (52), with eventual
deposition therefore driven by not only changing exogenic forcing (e.g.,
reductions in valley slope) but also endogenic processes where water outruns
sediment. These processes alter flow rheology along GLOF tracks and thus flow behavior
and geomorphic impact (53, 54), yet adequate tools are lacking to
support modeling, simulation, and prediction. Based on our calculation from DoD
and GLOF volume, the ratio of the mobilized sediment to the water released from
SLL and the Chungthang reservoir reaches 0.83 at the downstream end of the
erosion zone. The calculated lake outburst volume and sediment entrainment
along the flow path indicate a bulking factor of about 5 (i.e., a 5 times
increase in flow volume) which is at the upper end of comparable large
debris-laden flows (such as GLOFs, debris flows, lahars) (55, 56). Erosion rates averaged over 70 km
to SLL are ~3850 m3 m?1 (Fig. 5) which is three orders of magnitude
higher than observed for granular alpine debris flows. There, intense
precipitation the days prior to the GLOF has likely played an important role in
the very high erosion and entrainment processes by wettening and saturating the
soil along the flow path, as flow conditions and bed wetness are decisive
factors to control erosion (57).
Neglecting intense sediment entrainment and subsequent bulking (and dilution)
can lead to inaccuracies in flood models, potentially underestimating the
hazard posed by GLOFs and meaning that design standards for infrastructure may
not be appropriate. Hence, comprehensive and integrative approaches to GLOF
hazard assessment (3) are urgently needed, considering
not only the lake and outburst potential but also downstream landslide
susceptibility along the flow path and potential for cascading processes. Also
evaluating geomorphic work induced by these GLOF events relative to normal
monsoonal floods has scope for future assessments.
This Sikkim flood event is a reminder of some much wider implications
including the urgent need for Early Warning Systems (EWS) in the Himalaya,
recognizing the complex technical, practical, institutional, and social
dimensions that need to be addressed. Expanding and enhancing these systems
across the Himalaya is critical for timely hazard detection and effective
response, as well as reducing the impact of future GLOFs on communities and
infrastructure [c.f. (58)]. Addressing these complexities
requires robust infrastructure, advanced technology, and effective coordination
among stakeholders (59) to ensure the reliability and
effectiveness of EWS in the Himalaya and other challenging mountain
environments. In terms of transboundaryGLOF impact, this event demonstrates the
complex and interconnected nature of natural hazards in mountainous regions and
their far-reaching damage, highlighting the importance of regional cooperation
and coordinated efforts among countries sharing river basins to enhance
resilience and preparedness against the increasing risks posed by GLOFs (26, 58, 60). Moreover, the significant impact
of intense precipitation on flood dynamics and downstream effects observed
during this event, particularly in Bangladesh, highlighted the urgent need to
integrate response planning and enhance preparedness from a transboundary
Efforts to mitigate the hazard posed by SLL have been ongoing before the
catastrophic flood. An initial lake bathymetric survey was conducted in August
2014, and the first mitigation measures began in September 2016 through the
installation of siphons to lower the lake level (61). The most recent expedition was in
September 2023, just before the lake's outburst on 3 October, when repeat
bathymetric measurements were conducted, and an automated weather station and
cameras were installed at the lake site (62). The expedition also recommended
additional mitigation measures, such as constructing check dams, retention
walls, deflection dams, and implementing anEWS (34) in the valley. In light of the consistently
high hazard levels in SLL and valley conditions following the October 3 GLOF
event, which has caused rapid remobilization of flood sediments, urgent risk
mitigation and management plans are required. These plans must address the
altered conditions of both the lake and valley and prepare for potential future
scenarios. Comparable conditions were noted right after the Chamoli event (63). While the 3 October disaster has
placed the immediate focus on SLL, broader attention, and high priority also
needs to be given to the various potentially dangerous lakes identified across
High Mountain Asia region. The need for enhanced basin-scale EWS, adaptive
infrastructure planning, and cross-border collaboration in hazard management is
evident to mitigate the socio-economic and environmental consequences of future
GLOF events.
Strengthening regulatory frameworks is crucial to mitigate the increasing
risks posed by the proximity of hydropower projects to glacier lakes and in
high mountain environments in general. The trend of high GLOF susceptibility in
the Himalaya indicates a greater likelihood of future GLOFs, exacerbated by the
growing number of hydropower projects moving closer to these hazard-prone
areas, thereby increasing exposure. With 47 hydropower projects and an
installed capacity of >5300 MW, the Teesta basin has the highest density of
such projects in the Himalayan region (64). These numbers are likely to
increase and thus, comprehensive risk assessments, stringent building
standards, and adaptive management practices are essential to ensure safety and
sustainability in these vulnerable regions. This is crucial for safeguarding
both infrastructure investments and the communities reliant on these
developments in the Himalaya and other mountain ecosystems. Events of the magnitude
of the South LhonakGLOF, Chamoli ice-rock avalanche of 2021 (27), or Kedarnath flooding of 2013 (23) highlight potential limits to
adaptation in the Himalaya, with even the most diligent and comprehensive suite
of disaster risk reduction strategies unlikely to entirely prevent losses and
damages occurring from such events. This calls for adequate assessment and
communication of residual risks, and effective risk transfer mechanisms, such
as insurance and governmental support, to ensure sustainable mountain
development. This study highlights the necessity to establish specific
guidelines and standards for GLOF risk reduction in the Himalaya and similar
high-mountain regions. Structural and non-structural GLOF mitigation strategies
should be prioritized, using advanced technology to address risks in extreme
climate regimes.
The 3 October 2023 GLOF from SLL highlights the urgency of a paradigm shift
in numerical modeling and observational techniques for GLOFs. This urgency
extends to improving GLOF risk management and infrastructure development in
high mountain regions. These shifts in approaches should help safeguard against
the devastating impacts of GLOFs, thereby facilitating sustainable development
in hazard-prone environments globally. We contend that improved EWS coupled
with enhanced infrastructure resilience and rigorous land-use management
practices are essential to mitigate GLOF risks. Furthermore, robust community
preparedness and education programs are crucial for effective emergency
responses. This multihazard cascade exhibits the complex interactions between
climate change, glacier mass loss, and human infrastructure in mountainous
regions. Understanding and addressing multihazard cascades in similar
vulnerable environments requires interdisciplinary approaches, robust
monitoring systems, and proactive measures to minimize devastating consequences
and enhance resilience.