Saturday, Apr 30, 2022 07:30 [IST]
Last Update: Saturday, Apr 30, 2022 02:01 [IST]
FLORIDA, (IPR): The Sikkim delegation, led by Agriculture, Horticulture and AH &VS minister Lok Nath Sharma to the US on agriculture and food processing visited the Florida International University (FIU) at Miami and learnt about the agricultural activities of the region.
Being subtropical and tropical, the region produces crops round the year and hence earned the name “winter basket” as they grow fruits and vegetables when it is winter elsewhere. The agriculture production here is mostly in the fields and the greenhouse production is near to zero. Agriculture here is dependent on foreign agricultural workers and bringing the workforce from abroad is an expensive affair and hence the cost of production is high. Therefore FIU is looking for alternatives.
The community model /FPO model of end to end value chain development of Sikkim was discussed. The importance of creating a brand identity for agricultural commodities is important and Florida has come up with a branding programme, “Fresh from Florida” that promotes Florida grown agricultural products.
The Agriculture, Horticulture and Animal Husbandry minister desired that a reputed university such as FIU should come forward to establish educational institutions in Sikkim and FIU in response showed interest in the creation of a “College of Business” in Sikkim if the State government provides the necessary support, clearances and facilities. It was decided to keep the communication channels open and take it forward.
The delegation visited the research and production facility of the Smart Infrastructure Group, in West Palm Beach, Florida. The company is involved in developing programmes with resilient and sustainable infrastructure (smart-infrastructure) development, said its CEO Achyut Kumar Allady.
It is a pioneer in the field of creating “advance warning systems” through sensor technology. The company has developed an infrastructure communication system which monitors infrastructures such as bridges, high rises, roads, water storage facilities etc. for defects to help in preventing failures of these infrastructures. Sensors are laid during the construction of the infrastructure with a communication tool linked with the cloud. Information such as tilt, sway, 3D movements in high rises, corrosion, load strain, interface, and pressure in bridges are collected and monitored which helps in decision making before a calamity strikes. A decision was taken to invite the firm to Sikkim for making a presentation to the State government which the company agreed to.
The delegation also attended the Association of Food Industries (AFI) convention at Ft Lauderdale. Various organic commodities such as tea, ginger, turmeric, large cardamom, buckwheat, and pumpkin powder were displayed at the Importers Resource gallery.