Thursday, Dec 29, 2022 18:15 [IST]
Last Update: Thursday, Dec 29, 2022 12:38 [IST]
NAMCHI, : Sikkim’s Sanjay Rai represented the State in
Youth Parliament conducted by Nehru Yuva Kendra under Ministry of Sports &
Youths Affairs held recently on 25 December.
youths from seven other States of the country also participated in the
Rai started his speech with a Hindi proverb and gradually explained the life
and ideals of Prime Minister late Atal Bihari Vajpayee. He particularly
mentioned the newly constructed railway bridge in Rangpo East Sikkim, 'Atal
Setu' bridge named after Atal Bihari Vajpayee which he highlighted from local
point of view of a Sikkimese who witnessed the work. Rai's speech was applauded
by the gathering.
Rai is also the founder member of an NGO the 'Voice' from his college days in
Namchi. He and his team have performed exceptional tasks by conducting
cleanliness drives in different parts of Sikkim even before the call for
cleanliness drive Swachha Bharat Mission started.
participation in the recently held Youth Parliament is an inspiration for
youths of Sikkim and the Northeast India.